HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ANNABEL'S! Famous private members club are hosting a massive party

Tonight, Annabel's is celebrating as Berkeley Square is lit up by paparazzi! Well, yes, we know they are always celebrating but this time is epic, it is the biggest birthday party of the decade!

Annabel's is London's most famous nightclub, a jewelled townhouse, the grandest and possibly the most sensational. Its rich history has marked the social life of the capital but you may also know it for its instagrammable restrooms (have you even been if you haven't taken the mandatory toilet selfie there?!).

Several hundred esteemed members and guests are rubbing shoulders with celebrities at a fabulous evening celebrating 60 years of glamour.
The entire venue is being used for this landmark birthday as every room has dancers, DJs such as Honey Dijon and a couple of singers performing, while colourful digital screens and lighting are used to highlight this epic 60th celebration.

VIP guests include a symphony of celebrities: Rod Stewart and wife Penny also attended and Latin pop star Ricky Martin amazes with a performance in the club. Other guests include Emma Weymouth, the Marchioness of Bath, Liam Payne, Gene Gallagher, Mark-Francis Vandelli, Joshua Kane, David Armstrong-Jones, the second Earl of Snowdon, Nicola Coughlan (from Bridgeton)

Annabel's owner, RICHARD CARING, is now aged 75, but is still young at heart and keen to party late with wife and co-chair Patricia Caring.

Catering includes Henriot champagne, three different cocktails, several bowl food and sliders, making this party an excellent A-listers event.


Annabel's History

Founder Mark Birley had only just achieved success in London in 1961 when John Aspinall was looking for someone else to take over his Clermont Club casino located at 44 Berkeley Square. Birley stepped in and opened Annabel's in 1963 naming it after his first wife, Lady Annabel Vane-Tempest-Stewart (now Lady Annabel Goldsmith).

He had this vision of a grand living room where aristocrats could mingle with artists and actors in a space filled with “exclusivity and sex”, sparking a phenomenon. Attendance was so strict that even celebrities such as Peter O’Toole, George Harrison, Eric Clapton, Mick Jagger, Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson had to follow their old world dress code standards.

In 2007 Mark Birley sold Annabel's to Richard Caring for £95 million.

Caring reclaimed the stars: Kate Moss, Jemima Khan, Philip Green, Hugh Grant, Heather Kerzner’s, Matthew Freud, Sienna Miller, Grace Jones, Elton John and many aristocrats.

However Caring’s era actually began when he close the basement at 44 and opened Annabel’s next-door at 46 Berkeley Road, across four floors and 26,000 square feet, complete with a restaurant, bars, an inside garden, two private dining rooms, a workspace and a cigar salon. Picasso’s Girl with a Red Beret and Pompom greets you as you walk in.

Annabel's remains a beacon for luxury, the black diamond of the capital.


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