Aquafresh and Rankin host Powerful London Photo Exhibition

Rankin, acclaimed British photographer, is partnering with Aquafresh to host a pop-up exhibition to help tackle the confidence crisis currently facing UK children and shine a light on the importance of oral health education from an early age.

After learning nearly 1 in 2 children have suffered with low confidence because of how their teeth look , renowned British creative, Rankin, has teamed up with Aquafresh to capture and encourage children to be confident with their teeth.


The powerful photographs of primary school children proudly showing off their healthy teeth with wobbly ones and glorious gaps ready to make way for their adult teeth, will be on show at a gallery in Soho.


Visitors to the gallery will also have the opportunity to better understand children’s teeth and what is the journey of keeping them healthy. To normalise that everyone’s teeth are different, imaginative toothbrush prototypes for different types of kid’s teeth – from gappy to snaggle – will be on display at the gallery event to further reassure children about how their teeth look and make them feel positive about them.


This gallery event will be available to view for one-weekend only, so don't miss your chance to see these striking images captured by a photographer of the stars – including Kate Moss and royalty such as our late Queen Elizabeth II – and educate you and your family on dental health.


When: 27 - 28 April 2024
Where: The Black & White Soho Shop, 59 Greek Street London, W1D 3DZ

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